News from response magazine

Dear readers,

For almost 150 years, women in the Methodist tradition have been organized for mission. And for as many years, these women have told their own story. As we look to the next 150 years, we are excited to be bringing more of our stories to more places.

response is a key part of telling our mission story, sharing what we do in service and advocacy with women, children and youth through our pledges of time, talent and money, educating on important issues and continuing the tradition of publishing our stories. We pack a lot into 48 pages every month, and the time has come to think beyond just the physical magazine, to lift up the voices of United Methodist Women members in as many places as possible.

Starting January 2019, we will move to a bimonthly publication schedule of 6 issues per year. The award-winning quality and content of the magazine will remain the same, as will the subscription price, which has remained low and unchanged for more than 10 years. We’ll be creating new ways to connect us across the country and world and help us dig deeper in service and advocacy, transformative education, leadership development and spiritual growth. We encourage you to tell your United Methodist Women story in as many places as possible, and response magazine will be working even more to help you do this.

As your editor, I take the purpose of this magazine very seriously. I strive every day to celebrate our creative, supportive community, to share our work and identity, to educate, and to give voice to marginalized women, children and youth. I am very happy that I will keep doing this, with your help and inspiration, in new and creative ways.

Now is the time to give, to invite more women into the work and leadership, to mobilize for justice, and to tell our story in as many ways as possible. Thank you for reading response. Thank you for sharing response. Thank you for being the story we share.

Tara Barnes
Editor, response magazine
United Methodist Women

About Tara Barnes

editor of response, the magazine of United Methodist Women.
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